Focus: Decision-making under pressure

December 7, 2024
3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
touch and go shop

CHF 60.-

Why do we put ourselves at risk?

Why do even experienced pilots sometimes make mistakes?
What influence does the group have on individual decisions?
What helps in aviation, medicine, industry and mountaineering when making decisions under pressure?

This course is about the pilot as such: on one hand as the main cause of incidents, on the other hand as the most important resource in preventing incidents. It is about their perception, their decision-making processes and the influence of the situation in which they find themselves. Human factors research indicates that even very capable and experienced professionals can be susceptible to distortions in perception, thinking and action in certain situations. These findings can be transferred to hang gliding and can reduce the risks.

What to expect

  • Historical triggers of human factors research (e.g. Tenerife air disaster in 1977, Chernobyl in 1986, Mount Everest in 1996)
  • Dealing with risks in paragliding. Focus on psychology.
  • 5 strategies for making decisions under time pressure and with incomplete information
  • Integration of the two thought systems “analytical” and “intuitive”
  • Group dynamics
  • Perception traps in mountain sports (FACETS, according to McCammon)
  • Decision strategy Meteo of the SHV-FSVL.
    Focus on the 3×3 strategy for hang gliding (adapted from Munter)
  • Opportunities for transparent decision-making
  • Opportunities of an open error culture
  • Various questions for self-reflection
  • Exchange in small groups and in plenary sessions

Target audience

  • For pilots of all levels of experience
  • Suitable for student pilots

Ideal conditions

  • Interest in the topic
  • Openness to self-reflection


  • English

Voluntary preparation

  • “Decision-making. Why do we put ourselves at risk?” Text by Bernhard Streicher from the magazine bergundsteigen 3/04: PDF >
  • 2 personal case studies: Recall two experiences while flying (or otherwise in outdoor sports).
    • The first case study represents a “good” decision. Looking back, you can say that the decision was appropriate for the situation and reduced the risks.
      Put yourself in the moment just before you made this decision.
      How did you feel that day?
      What thoughts and feelings were you experiencing?
      What information from the environment did you perceive?
    • The second case study represents a “bad” decision. Looking back, you can say that the decision was not appropriate to the situation and increased the risks.
      It may have resulted in a near-incident or a real incident.
      Put yourself in the moment just before you made this decision.
      How did you feel that day?
      What thoughts and feelings did you experience?
      What information from the environment did you perceive?
    • The case studies are for your personal attunement.
      There will be no public exchange of ideas during the course.

Course motto

  • “Buy time – take a deep breath – gather information”

About your trainer

Bänz Erb

  • Flight instructor SHV
  • Tandem pilot
  • Mental Trainer Sport IAP
  • Student Psychology from fall 2021, University of Bern
  • Member of SHV working group “Meteo decision-making strategy”
  • Member of SHV working group “Human Factors”
  • Active in the training and further education of flight instructors. Department of Human Factors
Pilot experience
Expected weather
Mental training

Free places

Registration deadline: November 30, 2024 The training takes place indoors, so it will be held regardless of the weather forecast.

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touch and go… Shop

Opening Hours : on demand
touch and go Paragliding GmbH
Address : Parkstrasse 37 Goldau/SZ 6410-CH
Phone : +41 77 470 2274